Tuesday 24 April 2012

Table Manners and Rude Children

Now I did start out my blog saying that I try not to judge people but one thing that I hate is rude customers, its not too hard to say please and thank you. I suppose that some people just find it hard being polite. Being a waitress I have learnt that some children have no manners and neither do their parents.

Referring back to one table in particular there were 7 children and 4 adults and I am going to claim that it was the worst table I have ever had to deal with.

Imagine you go over to a table of people ask them if anyone wants a drink and everyone ignores you, even the adults, and just as you about to walk away the children suddenly notice that you are there and then they all start shouting drink orders at me without please or thank you's. I'm going to stop here before this turns into a full blown rant but you can imagine what the rest of the evening serving them was like (and by the way they didn't leave a tip).

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